I suffer from Seasonal Allergies myself, and also won't purchase any other brand of tissue when I'm down with the sniffles. For my family - it's Puffs, all the way!We LOVE Puffs! My kids ask for it by name and I won't buy anything else when I have a kid home with a runny nose and sneezes. I have never found a moisturizer for little noses that works better than simply avoiding the sore nose in the first place, and Puffs is the only way to do it.
Puffs Ultra Soft and Strong Tissue
Baby Trend Latch Lock - Great for BIG babies.
We had to upgrade to The Baby Trend Latch Lock car seat when our baby was six months old, due to him being a very big baby. We faced the challenge of needing him to still be in a rear facing seat, but needing something big enough to safely hold a twenty-eight pound baby (all the way up to one year). It took a while for us to find one that fit our needs, but when we found this one, our prayers were answered.
It has the latch system, so no more struggling to get the car seat in and out and strapped in safely - just click and go. I also like the higher sides on the Baby Trend Latch Lock, because with a (now) ten month old, it is nice to have him and his toys a bit more contained in his seat - with the higher sides, it is harder for him to toss things over the sides.
My other favorite feature is teh ease of removing the soft cover for washing and drying - the elastic loop around the edge of the cover makes it very easy to remove, wash, dry, and replace. I love it!
Bissell Little Green Machine Vacuum
As far as cleaning floors, the Bissell Little Green Machine Vacuum is a great tool to have around the house. It is light weight, easy to handle and very useful. I like to keep it loaded with cleaner and water so I can grab it any time I need to do a quick clean-up. With a large dog and five kids (one under six months old), this happens often. I love the long hose and the two attachments; these features make the vacuum very user-friendly. I also like the sprayer on the hose, as I have noticed that many of the spray mechanisms on hand-held carpen shampooers do not spray with enough force for my liking; this one does. The downfall of the Bissell Little Green Machine Vacuum is that there is no way to get inside of the container that holds the dirty water for cleaning. There is not an opening wide enough to even get a skinny brush inside of it to clean it out, and because there are so many different part inside of it and it is the receptacle that all the 'used' water is held, it is in desparate need of a cleaning. All in all, I like this product, however I would really love a better way to clean it out (or perhaps a brush designed specifically for this purpose?).Great for cleaning, but you can't clean IT.
Mother's Touch Baby Bather Review
Not ideal for BIG babies I was not as happy as I thought I would be with the Mother's Touch Baby Bather and was frankly a little concerned with the safety of the product. It you The Mother's Touch Baby Bather also does not seem to accomodate a large baby well. My son was 9+ lbs at birth and is 23 lbs at four months old, so I was only able to use teh bather a few times before he was too big, although the warning and safety stickers did not indicate that this would be the case. Overall, I would not recommend the seat if you are looking for something that allows your baby to splash or interact with the water, or if you have a larger baby.put more than a few inches of water in the bath tub, the base of the seat will begin to float. This causes the seat to sway and not feel at all stable. Unfortunatley, the seat sits up so high that a few inches of water does not even reach the baby - so no part of their body is ever submerged in water.
Carnation Good Start Supreme DHA & ARA Review
Good Start formulas are certainly similar to breast milk.
Good Start Supreme is so much like Breast Milk that I have used it with each of my kids. Our children all have had sensitive stomachs and Good Start is the only formula that they have not had trouble with. The formula itself is thinner than others and does not have a foul smell as other formulas do. It is cost efficient and makes me feel better about giving formula to my babies. I also like that Good Start comes in various sizes - this makes it easier to travel with, or stock up when I have extra money. All the women in our family that are not breastfeeding or are supplimenting are using Good Start!
Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS Digital Camera Review
Great camera for all occasions!
I love the Cannon PowerShot SD1100 IS Digital Camera!! All of its various settings allow you to always get the perfect shot of whatever you are shooting. The size and shape of the camera is great for a mom with her hands full and fits perfectly in the side of the diaper bag or your pocket. It is also durable- twice I have had it knocked out of my hands at sporting events and it does not have a scratch on it.
I was very impressed with the video camera option - the PowerShot allows you to take small, medium or large movies so as to control the amount of space taken up on your memory card and how detailed you want the movies. The sound is another great feature on the camera - it returns clear, crisp sound both when replaying the movies as well as when viewing the movies once uploaded to your computer.
The only thing I would change about this camera is the software that it comes with; it seems to be somewhat redundant and confusing. I find myself manually uploading the content rather than deal with the accompanying software.
So it turns out I'm a crochet-er!
I'd take a picture of it all spread out, but then you would see that it is not, in fact 'square' and then I would have to make something up about how I did that on purpose because it's a statement about how The Man can't hold me down or make rules for a girl like me, and then I would burn my bra, and no one wants that. Trust me.